Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Antonio Velardo attaining your greatness


Antonio Velardo you must make good decisions

Antonio Velardo you must make good decisions in life to have any degree of success. In a lot of circumstances a large part of the battle is making a decision--do not be afraid to make a decision, to commit, to jump into something headstrong. This does not mean be rash--but procrastination does not pay. youtu.be/Oz_v4kLbFxI

from Flickr http://flic.kr/p/oCNPC1


Monday, August 4, 2014

Antonio Velardo shares Warren Buffet wisdom

Lafango - EPK | Electronic Press & Media Kits - Antonio Velardo shares Warren Buffet wisdom

A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought. A few words there from Warren Buffet but wow do they hold a lot of weight, especially in today's society. Think for yourself and do what it right, you can not go wrong there as far as Antonio Velardo is concerned. It has worked for me throughout life in in my real estate career also.